The Northern Colorado Real Estate Investor Group consists of over 1,500 real estate investors.
The club has focused on free real estate investing education since 2003.
Investors buying properties in Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, Windsor and some of the smaller cities in NoCo attend.
Over the last 17 years James Orr taught about forty 2-hour, deep-dive educational real estate investor NCREIG classes each year.
Over the last 7 years, Brian Williams has lent his expertise and time teaching about half the classes.
Prior to COVID investors would meet in-person for class and networking. Since COVID, James and Brian teach class via Zoom with occasional virtual networking after.
Real estate investors attend classes in-person, on Wednesday evenings for free. James publishes many of the classes to the free NCREIG podcast.
Some of the more advanced class recordings James saves as a perk for the real estate investor clients.
Clients consist of local investors buying and selling properties with him and Tammy. Tammy brokers real estate as well.